Thursday, September 27, 2012

Middle Eastern prelates ask West not to intervene : News Headlines ...

CWN - September 26, 2012

At a conference at the Iraq?s Vatican embassy, Middle Eastern prelates urged the West not to engage in military intervention in the region.

Residents of the Middle East are not ?ignorant (people) who need saving,? said Archimandrite Mtanios Haddad of the Melkite Catholic Church. The Melkite representative at the Vatican added, ?We don't want protection from Europe or America; mind your own business.?

Syrian Catholic Archbishop Archbishop Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil said that ?we in the East feel that the Western policies generally don't think about Eastern Christians ? Western policies would prefer that Eastern Christians not be there.?

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scientists Go Deep On Genes Of SARS-Like Virus

Coronaviruses get their name from the crown-like tentacles that surround their rims. Enlarge BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

Coronaviruses get their name from the crown-like tentacles that surround their rims.

BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

Coronaviruses get their name from the crown-like tentacles that surround their rims.

When an unknown virus emerges, disease detectives turn to gene sequencers ? not magnifying glasses ? to identify the culprit.

So when a new type of coronavirus killed a man in Saudia Arabia and hospitalized another in the U.K., investigators got cracking.

Both patients showed symptoms similar SARS. But thanks to fast and accurate gene sequencing, health officials quickly realized that this isn't SARS or even a known coronavirus that causes colds. Rather it's a totally new virus that needs to be handled with caution until more is known about it.

Yesterday scientists at Britain's Health Protection Agency partially decoded the new virus's genetic sequence. They've placed the virus on the family tree of coronaviruses. And even given the virus a temporary name, which I have to warn you is quite a mouthful: London1_novel CoV 2012.

The virus appears to be most closely related to a cluster of bat viruses, and "it is genetically very different than SARS," Ralph Baric, a microbiologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, tells Shots.

But the DNA sequence isn't just a tool for hanging the virus on the right branch of the family tree. It has helped health workers rapidly respond to the disease in ways they couldn't when SARS emerged in China in 2002.

? The new coronavirus has been tentatively named London1_novel CoV 2012. A small piece of its genome tells researchers how closely related the virus is to other known coronavirus, such as SARS. Courtesy of Health Protection Agency.

The new coronavirus has been tentatively named London1_novel CoV 2012. A small piece of its genome tells researchers how closely related the virus is to other known coronavirus, such as SARS.

With the new virus's DNA at their fingertips, health workers alerted the WHO about the potentially dangers of the virus just three weeks after the second patient showed symptoms.

With the SARS epidemic, it took over three months ? and hundreds of infected people ? before the WHO was contacted. That epidemic caused over 8,000 infections and killed nearly a thousand people.

This rapid detection of new viruses, Baric says, is due in part to a technology, called deep sequencing. The method allows scientists to differentiate closely related viruses and ones that are rapidly mutating. Deep sequencing decodes genes at a very high level of accuracy so even small changes are visible.

Since the SARS epidemic, virologists have used deep sequencing to discover dozens of new coronavirus in bats, badgers, birds and humans from around the world. They've built a family tree of coranviruses with these sequences showing how the viruses relate to each other.

When a new virus appears on the scene, like the London strain, scientists can quickly sequence it and figure out where it fits in. If it sits on top of a known pathogen, then doctors may have a good idea of how to counter it. If it's completely new, as in this case, health workers can alert the WHO and take extra precautions before it spreads.

The genetic code for the new coronavirus also gives doctors a tool for quickly finding new cases, Baric say. They can even go "back in time and see if the virus caused other strange respiratory illnesses over the past few months," Baric says.

"It is fairly common for doctors to keep samples from fatal respiratory cases," Baric says. Doctors can now sequence the samples and look for the new virus's genes.

Baric thinks these types of tools make deep sequencing "one of the most important advances in public health."

"There's tremendous expertise and capabilities for identifying and tracking new viruses" he says. "This is a huge public health advantage and it's been put in place [since the SARS epidemic] to protect the global health."


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Redbox Instant targets launch by year-end, blends subscription streaming and DVD rentals with VOD

Redbox Instant targets launch by yearend, blends subscription streaming and DVD rentals with VOD

The last concrete details we'd heard about Redbox Instant was that it was entering internal alpha testing, but now Verizon exec Eric Bruno has revealed more background information. Previous info indicated the service would focus more heavily on movies than the back catalog of TV shows that is a part of Netflix Watch Instantly and Amazon Prime Instant Video, and Bloomberg reports Redbox will break with their models by paying its content providers per subscriber cable TV-style, instead of a flat rate decided up front. What customers will get is a monthly subscription and allotment of disc rentals from Redbox's kiosks, as well as access to VOD movie rentals and downloadable purchases through the service. The alpha test is currently in the hands of about 500 Verizon employees, with plans for a short public test before launching in a late November / mid-December time frame. The main unanswered question however is how much it will all cost, but knowing what we do now -- how much are you willing to pay?

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Redbox Instant targets launch by year-end, blends subscription streaming and DVD rentals with VOD originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 03:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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QE3 = Jobs for Wall St | Michael Hudson

More at The Real News

PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I?m Paul Jay in Baltimore.
Ben Bernanke, the head of the Federal Reserve, announced a few days ago QE3, quantitative easing three, and now he says they?re going to continue to buy assets, multibillion dollars of purchases, until the unemployment rate goes down. He was then followed by the European Central Bank and the central bank of Japan that are introducing their own monetary stimulus policies.

Now joining us to discuss how effective all this might be is Michael Hudson. Michael?s a former Wall Street financial analyst and now a distinguished research professor of economics at the University of Missouri?Kansas City. And his latest book just out is The Bubble and Beyond. Thanks very much for joining us, Michael.


JAY: So for those that haven?t followed this, explain what QE3 is, and then let?s talk about whether you think it might be effective.

HUDSON: QE3 was basically a program for the Federal Reserve to give money to the banks until Beethoven writes his 10th Symphony. There is no connection to employment whatsoever.

The QE2 was $800 billion, and all of QE2 was used by the banks to speculate on foreign currencies and interest rate arbitrage. Most was used?lent to the BRIC countries?Brazil, Russia, India, and China. You could?the banks borrowed 0.25 percent and lent money to Brazil at 11 percent and pocketed the interest rate arbitrage. All this $800 billion, so much went out that it pushed up the value of Brazil?s cruzeiro, so that banks made a foreign exchange profit on top of the interest rate arbitrage. None of this money went into the U.S. economy.

And in today?when Bernanke was told that, he argued, well, we have to give the banks enough money so they can be lending out for real estate again. This was absolute nonsense. Today?s Wall Street Journal has a chart: ?Mortgage loans fall to 16-year low?. The chart shows that the banks have lent less and less in mortgage refinancing. So the banks have not lent the money either for mortgages?.

JAY: Okay. Back up just one step. So what is supposed to be Bernanke?s logic? If, I mean, they buy assets from the banks, essentially, bonds of various kinds. Is that right? And the theory Bernanke gives is this gives liquidity to the banks so that they?re going to loan money to small businesses and such and that?s supposed to create jobs. I mean, that?s what he says publicly anyway.

HUDSON: Right. The cover story of the giveaway to the banks is that if the Federal Reserve makes loans to the banks, unlimited amounts more than $800 billion for QE2, the banks will have enough money that they can afford to lend more mortgage money to bid up real estate prices to try to reinflate the bubble and that they can lend to small businesses. The reality is that ever since QE1 and QE2, every time there?s a loan, the banks reduce their loans to businesses, they reduce their mortgage loans, there?s less mortgage refinancing, and in fact, the banks use the money to gamble, mainly abroad in foreign currency and interest rate arbitrage, trying to earn the money back by lending to Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

JAY: Right. And is part of the issue here is that the underlying?or at least one of the underlying issues is there?s still so lack?there?s such a lack of real demand in the economy that they don?t see?they?d have no inducement to make these loans, so it?s better to go speculate?

HUDSON: Well, the question is: what is demand? Certainly, small business wants to borrow. There are a lot of small businessmen that are able to borrow. The banks say: I?m sorry, we?re only lending to the big companies that have assets to foreclose upon. We?re not in the business of lending to expand production. We?re not in the business of lending to employ labor. That?s not what banks do. We lend against collateral, and your collateral mainly is real estate, and real estate is still so much a negative equity that we?re not going to lend. And, in fact, if you look at the statistics that have been quoted, the banks have lent less on real estate each year, even on credit cards. The banks have very sharply reduced their credit card exposure by 22 percent in the last few years, so that they?re not lending to the U.S. economy at all. This is all just a fiction, that the banks are going to lend.

JAY: Okay. So Bernanke sees this. I mean, it was clear from QE1 and QE2 that it didn?t have this employment effect, and he can see that. So I guess my question is: is jobs really the objective, or are they worried about another major financial collapse and this is actually more about the financial system stability than it is about jobs, even though they use that language?

HUDSON: They are worried about Mr. Obama?s job. The Wall Street Journal pointed out today that for the first time?in the past, the Federal Reserve has always flooded the economy with money whenever a Republican president was up for reelection. So they used to joke that the Federal Reserve was the 13th?the 13th district was the Republican National Committee. This is the first time that the Federal Reserve is flooding money trying to get a Democrat reelected. So the objective is not jobs for employees; it?s jobs, really, for the current administration and its campaign contributors.

JAY: But for it to have that effect of reelecting President Obama, it would have to have some impact on people?s lives. I mean, there have to be some effect of all this liquidity in terms of jobs or something, or otherwise why would anyone reelect President Obama?

HUDSON: Well, the liquidity is not going into the U.S. economy, it?s not going into the industrial market, it?s not going to small business, it?s not going to real estate. And all of this is available every quarter in the Federal Reserve?s own balance sheets of U.S. economy. They trace what the banks are lending for, and it?s not to create jobs. Once again, that?s not what banks do.

JAY: So this is what I?m getting at, then, then. For Bernanke to throw more money at the banks this way?and what I?m asking is is ?cause they fear a really deep global recession, given what?s happening in Europe and other?you know, in general a slowdown, and somehow they?re throwing money into banks ?cause they?re worried about banking collapse more than jobs. I mean, do you think what I?m saying makes sense?

HUDSON: No, it?s not a bank. The banks are in no danger of collapse for the insured things. The banks that are in danger are the five big banks that made huge derivative gambles. Eighty percent of the derivatives are done by the five largest banks, and they are?they?ve made a big gamble that stock markets and real estate prices are going to go up.

But at the same time, the banks are looking forward to a depression. For them, the financial crisis we?re having today in Greece and the eurozone is a bonanza for the banks. In fact, yesterday?s Financial Times came out and had the head of the privatization unit in Greece saying he?s now offering a bonanza to the creditors, European creditors, to come and buy Greece?s oil and gas rights and its export sectors and tourism sectors.

And The New York Times yesterday pointed out that all of the ?31.5 billion in new aid is not going to be spent on the Greek people any more than the American QE3 is spent here; it?s going to be given to the Greek banks to help pull them out of their negative equity and all of their bad real estate mortgages. And that really is the same situation here.

The big banks weren?t able to stick all of their customers and their counterparties with all of the junk mortgages that they bought, and they?re still stuck with the junk mortgages that they thought they could cheat their customers on. So you?re bailing out their ability, really, to profiteer off the economy and sell all of the junk mortgages that they?ve got from Countrywide Financial and the other big fraudulent, criminalized financial agencies.

So what is happening is just it?s as if the crooks have taken over the economy and are trying to bail themselves out of the mess that they?re in, so that they can somehow re-bid up real estate prices to restore the happy bubble economy that led to all these problems to begin with. So it?s just let us do it all over again. And, of course, the end of this will be yet another bailout in QE4 and QE5, and we?re still going to be waiting for Beethoven to write the 10th Symphony.

JAY: Thanks for joining us, Michael.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Revs' Lee Nguyen undergoes shoulder surgery

Associated Press Sports

updated 5:50 p.m. ET Sept. 24, 2012

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) - Lee Nguyen has undergone shoulder surgery after being the only member of the New England Revolution to play in all 30 games this season.

The midfielder had the operation on Monday to correct chronic instability in his right shoulder. In 27 starts in his first season with the Revolution, he had five goals and two assists.

The Revolution acquired him through the MLS waiver draft on March 2, one day after he was waived by the Vancouver Whitecaps.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Best header goal in MLS in 2012?

PST:?Nice little Twitter fight this morning, with one man near the top of the soccer?s media food chain suggesting Branko Boskovic?s diving header Sunday was the best header goal in MLS this year. For me, it wasn't even top two.

Real Madrid wins 2-0 at Rayo Vallecano in Spain

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) - Karim Benzema scored in the 13th minute and Cristiano Ronaldo converted a penalty kick in the 70th, lifting defending champion Real Madrid to a 2-0 win at crosstown rival Rayo Vallecano on Monday night in a game postponed a day by light failure.


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Motorola Droid RAZR M torn down on video, phone parts found inside

Motorola's latest Android offering, the Droid RAZR M, has a complete and thorough teardown video available now thanks to the folks over at DirectFix. This is a pretty quick turnaround considering the RAZR M just hit Verizon stores, and we're glad there are people out there who are willing and capable of tearing these new gadgets apart. If for some reason you need to know how to replace a part in your new device -- or maybe you're just curious what Moto has packed behind that kevlar back plate, we wouldn't blame you -- then this video may be of interest to you.

Source: DirectFix YouTube


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Exclusive: G20 aides say cenbanks' fix not enough - Mexico

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Group of 20 nations want governments to do more to augment central bank actions to reverse a global economic downturn, Mexican Deputy Finance Minister Gerardo Rodriguez said on Monday.

Deputy finance ministers and central bankers of the G20, which comprises wealthy nations and leading emerging economies, held two days of meetings in Mexico City on Sunday and Monday ahead of a summit in November.

New measures to boost fragile economies from the Bank of Japan, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank have helped to calm markets but were not enough, said Rodriguez, who co-chaired the deputies' meeting.

"There's worry about the (economic) environment and there's a conviction that monetary policy by itself is not sufficient," Rodriguez told Reuters on the sidelines of the meeting.

Emerging market economies had not made a big issue of a possible revival of the "currency wars" which followed previous rounds of stimulus when countries tried to avoid a flood of cheap money pushing up their currencies.

"I haven't felt that during the meetings," Rodriguez said.

"It's good because the decisions of the ECB and the Fed have helped the stability of markets, but we need more government action."

Promises made at a June G20 leaders meeting to boost demand, support growth and cut unemployment might need to be implemented more quickly given the deteriorating outlook, he said.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development cut its growth forecasts for major developed economies earlier this month and the International Monetary Fund warned it was set to scale back expectations for global growth too.

OECD Chief Economist Pier Carlo Padoan, who attended a seminar about the world economy before the G20 gathering, said the outlook was clearly worse since the leaders' summit.

"The U.S. is weaker, the emerging economies are visibly weaker and the euro area crisis has not improved so far," he said in an interview on Friday.

Before the meeting, Brazil vowed it would not let its real currency appreciate as a result of aggressive monetary stimulus in advanced economies, but G20 delegates who spoke on condition of anonymity said other emerging economies did not raise similar concerns.

"There was an almost resigned reaction to the monetary easing - on the basis that other measures that should have been taken were not, so it was up to the central banks to do something," one G20 official at the meeting said.

"There is a perception that the spill-over effects should be smaller than the last time."

Unlike the last time the Fed undertook a round of stimulus in late 2010 and early 2011, some emerging market currencies, including China's yuan and Russia's rouble are depreciating.

Brazil has also cut rates to a record low of 7.5 percent in contrast to the 10.75 percent benchmark rate it had in late 2010, making the country less attractive as an investment destination and less likely to be the target of speculative flows.

(Additional reporting by Alonso Soto in Brasilia; Editing by Kenneth Barry)


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Microsoft deliberately wasted energy at data center to avoid fine, says NY Times

Microsoft power wasting

Microsoft's desire to avoid a fine combined with a power company's strict electricity usage rules resulted in the software giant deliberately wasting millions of watts of power, according to the New York Times. Redmond's Quincy data center, which houses Bing, Hotmail and other cloud-based servers, had an agreement in place with a Washington state utility containing clauses which imposed penalties for under-consumption of electricity. A $210,000 fine was levied last year, since the facility was well below its power-use target, which prompted Microsoft to deliberately burn $70,000 worth of electricity in three days "in a commercially unproductive manner" to avoid it, according to its own documents. The utility board capitulated and reduced the amend to $60k, but the messy situation seems a far cry from Redmond's pledge to become carbon neutral by this summer.

[Image credit: New York Times]

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Microsoft deliberately wasted energy at data center to avoid fine, says NY Times originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 10:44:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tips For Creating Your Home Business Success - How To Network ...

Home businesses can be both exciting and a little scary. What do you need to begin? You also need to figure out how you are going to make it work. It can be challenging because of the many questions involved. This article is intended to give you some of the answers to get you on the path to running your own home business.

Figuring out what you are going to sell your products for is extremely important, as there are many factors that play into it. Keep track of your production costs when you decide on pricing for your products. The standard way to determine pricing is doubling the amount each product costs you to make. This is the standard wholesale rate for most goods. For the retail price, multiply the cost times three.

Always try to limit your spending as a home business owner. Choosing to base your operations at home will eliminate your need to pay rent for office space. Keep your other costs under control by avoiding the purchase of non-essential items. Using a budget for your expenses helps keep the costs of your products cheap.

You should not put in your notice at your primary job until after you have started operations at your home business. If you are opening a business it may take awhile to make any money, so stay with your day job for awhile. Having an income while building up your new business is highly beneficial.

TIP! Membership fees are a good way to increase profits, if applicable. Increasing profits through membership subscriptions to your site is a easy profit center.

If you have a location outside of the home for your business, post your business address instead of a PO box. Potential customers place more trust in businesses that list their actual location. Customers will be more likely to trust your brand because they know that someone will receive their feedback once it has been sent in the mail.

Create the opportunity for potential customers to buy from your website. Taking order by mail or over the phone is simply not enough. On various websites, registration can be completed for a minimal cost.

Banner pages can be a valuable tool for your business website. Such a page will give you the opportunity to swap banner links and similar advertisements with affiliated websites. Search engines will improve your rankings because of this, and it also gets you more visibility and traffic.

Products that solve a problem or fill a need are a good thing to sell from a home business. In most cases, people are drawn towards products that satisfy common, everyday needs. If you are able to come up with a solution for an issue that you have, it will probably be popular with others.

TIP! Treat your clients to meals and entertainment, and you may receive tax breaks. Treating clients to dinner can be written off as a business expense.

It is important to back up the documents for your business on an external storage system. This could potentially cost you in time and money if you were to lose something important like your vital tax documents. Mozy is an excellent backup option.

The separate checking account you open specifically for your business will double as a financial record keeping tool. All of your business expenses and income should be through this account. By doing this, you will keep track of your company?s finances easier. The credit card you use to make business purchases should be separate as well.

Set a clear work schedule for yourself and use it to separate your home life from your business life. Determine an ending time for each workday. Make room for friends, family and for your own personal time.

Track all of your expenses to save money. Even things like the gas you spent driving and your internet service, qualify. You will find that many items are actually tax deductible when you own your own business. Even if the amounts are small, it will save you money on your taxes.

TIP! Find out what amount each item you are considering selling is selling for before you make the decision to sell it. Price the item or service as offered by your competitors, and aim your price just slightly lower.

Have a daily schedule for work. Putting limits on the amount of time you intend to work will keep you from exhausting yourself. You may have to work late occasionally, but be careful of burnout. Spending time with your family can help alleviate stress, so leave work out of the picture during that time.

If you can establish your customer?s locations, you can target them geographically. Online customers and prospects are great, but many potential customers await you in the physical world as well. Set up a special booth at a community event, or have a big sale in a specific area.

Search Engine Optimization

If you?re the only owner of your business on paper, don?t let anyone else make executive financial decisions for the company. Giving others access to your business finances means that you will also be responsible if they make foolish choices.

TIP! Select a home-based business objective. It does not have to be long; just a sentence or two about the goal or intent of your business.

The use of search engine optimization will increase how visible your business is on the Internet. Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is a solid online marketing method that can help home business owners reach more people. There are many guidelines and resources available to help you do SEO on your own.

Compose a realistic and detailed plan to guide your home business. This is just a starting point, you can always amend it later on or scrap it altogether. This plan will help you get organized and go through the process of creating a business with a clear goal in mind. Constantly revise your business plan to reflect the current direction of your business.

Expenses such as taking clients out to lunch can be deducted on tax returns. The time that you spend with them is a business expense. Just be careful that these clients are paying or potential clients, or you may not be able to get these deductions.

A well-developed business plan is essential to your business success. Draw up a business plan even if you don?t need one to satisfy investors or a bank. With a clear business plan, you always know the next step.

TIP! Keep your business contracts as standard as possible and keep them easily accessible in case you need to clarify any points within the contract with a client. Keep contracts with companies such as your phone service or internet provider all together as well so that you can find them without trouble.

As was mentioned earlier in this article, a home business can be both appealing and intimidating. Hopefully you have gleaned some good information and advice from the tips shared in this article. Put that advice into action, and watch as things begin to work more smoothly for your home business

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Tags: potential customers, search engine optimization


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The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

The dust is settling on the latest round of competition in the Chinese Internet space, and four superpowers remain strong: Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent and Sina. While there are plenty of other players in the market, these four have distinguished themselves in each of their target markets, garnering hundreds of millions of users and near-monopoly positions along the way.

With their respective dominance, they?re each looking to leverage their user base and existing technology to broaden into new areas in order to sustain the growth levels from their rises to power. As each of the four muscle their way into opportunities like mobile, the cloud, and international expansion, the Chinese Internet scene has taken on a decidely ?Game of Thrones? air about it, albeit with less incest and murder.

Before we dive into the power struggles and uneasy alliances that these companies have been engaging in, let?s take a quick look at each of the four by themselves:

Alibabaalibaba1 220x120 The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

Core strength: Ecommerce
Western equivalent: Ebay/Amazon
Q2 2012 revenue: N/A [Alibaba Group is currently in the midst of preparing for an IPO. An SEC form from Yahoo, which has a stake in the company, revealed Q1 2012 revenue of $806 million]
Headquarters: Hangzhou

Alibaba Group runs a business-to-business ecommerce site, but Taobao, it?s consumer-to-consumer site, is the star of the show these days. Chinese consumers initially were resistant to buying online, but they have since taken to it with gusto, largely thanks to Alibaba?s work. Similar to Paypal in the US, Alipay, the online payment division of the group, has built itself up as the de facto e-payment standard in China.

The company was founded in 1999 by the charismatic Jack Ma, a former English teacher who is believed to have built the first Chinese Internet company before he went on to start Alibaba.

Baidubaiduhq 220x181 The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

Core strength: Search
Western equivalent: Google
Q2 2012 revenue: $859 million
Headquarters: Beijing

Baidu would be a formidable force with just its nearly 80 percent share of the Chinese search market, but it has reinforced its dominant position with a set of community sites. Baidu Tieba (PostBar in English) is a massive online forum based around keywords; Baike, or Baidu Encyclopedia, has grown to contain more posts than the Chinese version of Wikipedia; and question and answer service Baidu Knows has also caught on with local Internet users.

CEO Robin Li established Baidu in 2000 after moving back from (and being inspired by) Silicon Valley.

Tencenttencent 220x147 The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

Core strengths: Social, gaming
Western equivalent: Facebook
Q2 2012 revenue: $1.7 billion
Headquarters: Shenzhen

The Chinese Internet population has been obsessed with QQ, Tencent?s instant messaging platform, for years now. Tencent put the service, which has over 90 percent penetration rate among Internet users in the country, to use as the foundation for a highly-profitable gaming division. The company also operates a popular Qzone social network and its Weixin (known as WeChat internationally) group messaging app is seeing rapid adoption, recently topping 200 million users.

Pony Ma, Tencent?s founder, remains fairly enigmatic, as he?s not known for making public media appearances.

Sinasina 220x165 The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

Core strengths: Web portal, social
Western equivalent: Twitter/Yahoo
Q2 2012 revenue: $132 million
Headquarters: Shanghai

Sina is the smallest of the four, at least in terms of revenue, but its Sina Weibo micro-blogging service is having a significant impact on Chinese culture and society. The company got its start with a Web portal, which has risen to become the largest in the country.

Founded in 1999 via a merger, Sina is currently helmed by Charles Chao.

Storm clouds over China

There?s a storm brewing in China, and you can see it in the clouds. Cloud computing, that is. Tencent and Baidu are the main players because of their pre-existing size and the infrastructure that they?ve already built up for the massive scale of their own services. Spokesmen from both companies have declared their respective clouds to be the largest in China, though it wasn?t clear what metric they were using (users, computing power, etc.).

Alibaba is also looking to the cloud with is Aliyun (?, pronounced yun, means cloud in Chinese) mobile operating system.

Baidu?s Robin Li declared earlier this month at Baidu World, its annual developer conference, that China has entered the age of the cloud. The company is investing $1.6 billion in a cloud computing center in the north of China.

Lei Chen, Tencent?s general manager for cloud computing, Open Platform and social advertising, acknowledged that competition in the Chinese cloud space is heating up, but he viewed it as a positive thing.

?There?s competition among the cloud players, but I think competition is a good thing, that it pushes everybody to provide higher quality services to our customers,? Chen said in an interview with TNW at a software developer conference in Beijing.

To that end, Tencent recently revamped its Weiyun (literally micro-cloud) service to make sharing to its social networking services easier.

However, Baidu?s rhetoric wasn?t quite as congenial during Baidu World, its own annual developer conference. Li called developers to arms during a keynote speech by outlining the ?seven weapons? that it is offering them to help gain users. The (free) weapons include a mobile test center, the Baidu app engine, location-based services, a ScreenX tool for multi-screen applications, personal cloud storage, a site app resource for turning websites into Web and mobile apps, and its new browser engine.

 The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

Promotional material detailing the tools depicted each of them as traditional weaponry with technical twists, such as a rack of servers shooting a spear from its cabling. The images call to mind the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history when three separate states fought for control of China. However, in this case, it?s a modern war of platforms, with the developers armed as foot soldiers to apparently attack rival developers from other cloud-based ecosystems. The user is, presumably, either the captive or the prize.

The Android-meda Strain

The growing importance of cloud computing is invariably tied to the future of the mobile Internet. Baidu?s Li said so himself earlier this month at Baidu World:

?The cloud is very important to support the mobile internet. This is the focus for the next wave of innovation.?

When it comes to the mobile space in China, Google?s Android is mopping up its competitors with as much as 80 percent market share, according to some estimates. However, domestic companies have brought instability to the platform by repeatedly forking the OS, often to Google?s displeasure.

The fragmentation issue flared up in China last week when Acer canceled a joint smartphone launch with Alibaba at the last minute after Google put pressure on Acer. A subsequent statement from Google explained that Acer?s membership in the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), a group of companies committed to maintaining purity in the Android platform, precluded it from shipping ?non-compatible Android devices? like the Aliyun-powered CloudMobile 800 smartphone they had developed.

Android mastermind Andy Rubin elaborated on the decision via his Google+ account, noting that Aliyun ?incorporates the Android runtime and was apparently derived from Android.? Alibaba VP of International Affairs John Spelich maintains that Aliyun ?is not part of the Android ecosystem.?

?It is ironic that a company that talks freely about openness is espousing a closed ecosystem?Will someone please ask Google to define Android?? he said in a statement.

The back-and-forth continued with Rubin claiming that Aliyun?s alleged use of the Android runtime, framework and tools mean ?there?s really no disputing that Aliyun is based on the Android platform.? He also accused Alibaba of stocking ?pirated Google apps? in its app store.

Rubin also pointed to recent comments from an Alibaba executive that demonstrated the company?s goal to surpass Android in China by providing a better user experience.

 The politics and power struggles of the Chinese Internet superpowers

Does Aliyun count as Android?

These recent developments are particularly noteworthy because they represent a new effort on Google?s part to enforce the terms of the OHA. The incident is still fresh, but how this plays out in coming weeks could set a precedent for Chinese Internet companies looking to stand on the shoulders of the Android giant. If tempers flare, this could escalate to an ?us versus them? dispute that might see other Chinese and western companies involved as well.

Of course, not all Chinese companies are at odds with Google over Android. For instance, Baidu Cloud is compatible with Android and cooperates with OHA members. Baidu, a direct competitor to Google, does not consider the product to be an operating system, instead marketing it as a platform that sits atop Android.

Social motion

Going social is a trend in the worldwide Internet market, and it?s caused plenty of friction in China lately. The past couple years have seen a high-stakes race between local competitors in the microblog market. Sina and Tencent emerged as the two leaders, with Sohu and Netease as the underdogs. Sina boasted 368 million registered accounts last quarter.

Baidu tried its hand at microblogging, but eventually gave up in 2011. It?s worth noting that Baidu tried to launch its service with an unpopular real-name system, something that the government would go on to mandate for surviving services earlier this year.

During an earnings call last month, Sohu also admitted defeat, acknowledging that it had lost the ?battle of the micro-blog? over the past two years. CEO Charles Zhang did say that he?s optimistic his company can make a comeback, but it?s hard to tell whether he said that just to keep from being eaten alive by investors.

Baidu is building social components into many of its products, but it is also not above partnering up with others who have established themselves in the sector. In July, it announced an agreement with Sina that will see the Weibo app pre-installed on Baidu Cloud and bring Baidu search to Sina?s mobile portal. Renren, a Chinese social network that, like Facebook, got its start catering to students, has also teamed up with Baidu.

Qihoo: China?s competitive catalyst

While the big four have been maneuvering around each other, there?s one scrappy upstart that has been a thorn in the side for these giants. Qihoo 360 has developed a reputation in the Chinese Internet industry for picking fights with others.

In 2010, Tencent and Qihoo got into a bitter feud that quickly escalated out of control. Qihoo?s anti-virus software began blocking Tencent?s QQ messenger on allegations that it was spying on users. The move was most likely an effort to keep QQ?s own security software from competing with Qihoo. Tencent fought back by blocking logins from computers with Qihoo?s software installed. The spat went on for a couple months before the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stepped in and ordered a reconciliation in late November of that year. Sufficiently chastised, Tencent issued an apologetic statement, excerpted below:

?We extend our sincere apologies to all our affected users! To the?Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other government departments, we humbly accept your reprimand and will earnestly implement the relevant requirements in accordance with the follow-up. In this process, through all our comments and criticisms, we will carefully listen and learn.? (machine translation)

Earlier this month, Qihoo CEO Zhou Hongyi reiterated the relucant truce that his company had reached with Tencent by publicly vowing at a goverment-backed Internet conference to never enter the instant messaging sector. The issue isn?t fully resolved, however, as hearings for a lawsuit between the two began on September 18, with Tencent seeking RMB 125 million in damages.

Tencent?s Lei Chen says the 2010 incident actually served as a catalyst that motivated the company to accelerate a move toward its Open Platform application ecosystem.

?The company recognized it as an opportunity to push along on the direction of openness faster?so we started to build all the infrastructure and all the tools necessary for us to open up since December 2010,? he said.

Open Platform was slowly made available to partners throughout early 2011 before going official in June. The platform has grown quickly to encompass more than 500,000 registered developers?and 200,000 applications. By way of reference, Baidu has attracted roughly 60,000 developers to its platform.

Tensions between Qihoo and Tencent may have cooled some, but Qihoo is now stirring up trouble with its recent entrance into the search business. The company?s search engine made a splash when it went live last month, largely due to referral traffic from Qihoo?s portal and browser products. However, some observers were quick to point out suspicious similarities between the results of the two search engines. Baidu then moved to block some of Qihoo?s inbound links, and Qihoo responded by removing links to Baidu from its web portal and other services.

It?s too early to tell whether Qihoo will have the same catalytic effect on Baidu as it did on Tencent, but several industry players that I spoke to seemed optimistic. Some have argued that Baidu could use a new challenger to its near-monopoly on search in order to spur competition and innovation.

Eyes abroad

Compared to other countries around the world, China is a largely homogeneous market. Each of the country?s four Internet superpowers is set up for continued growth as more of the population comes online, but they all have ambitions that extend beyond China?s borders.

The international commerce side of the Alibaba Group?s main site has already given it opportunities overseas, and a recent restructuring of the company was, in part, designed to better capitalize on the English-language division. Meanwhile, it has begun taking baby steps abroad with its Taobao site, launching first in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

At the least, Alibaba is ready to compete on the international stage on pure numbers, as it expects to surpass Amazon and eBay in transactions this year.

Baidu is actively building up its foreign language capabilities in hopes of tackling search and social information services in foreign markets. A new research lab in Singapore will focus on Southeast Asian languages, as well as Arabic and Portuguese. The company has launched its Tieba forums in Vietnam, albeit to some opposition. It has also powered up its Hao123 link-list directory site in Brazil.

Tencent has seen success with its products in areas with large Chinese diaspora populations, such as Southeast Asia. It has begun putting feelers out for a push into the US, and early uptake of WeChat in America could act as a vanguard.

Though the company?s Open Platform hasn?t yet been fully marketed overseas, it has attracted foreign developers, including Zynga (Cityville), EA (Sim Social) and Popcap. In the future, Tencent could make a push to bring Open Platform ecosystem to other countries, but it will be following the lead of its social services.

?Open Platform is going to go wherever [Tencent's] social networks go,? Chen said.

Sina has already branched out its new portal with an English-language US version, but it has yet to make a sizable impact. Its Weibo service has also remained largely a Chinese affair. During the recent London Olympics opening ceremony, approximately 96 percent of related tweets came out of China.

Considering how dramatic competition already is in the Chinese Internet space, the eventual emergence of these four superpowers as competition for their western counterparts should prove even more exciting. So far, Chinese companies have had it easy, since foreign rivals like Facebook, Google and Youtube, Twitter and others have been absent from the Chinese market in recent years, but their ?Game of Thrones?-style maneuvers could turn into a full-on ?Clash of the Titans? when they begin competing overseas.

Further reading: The Startup Guide to China

Images via: Flickr / scoobyfoo, Bloomberg,?TNW, Flickr / faykwong, MomoBKK,?HBSTR, 21CBH


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

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EB CAREERS - Rittal seeks Account Manager, Gaspe Region ...

September 21, 2012 - Rittal Systems Ltd.?a global manufacturer and supplier of IT and industrial enclosure solutions?is looking to add a dynamic individual to its Quebec organization in the role of:

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The Account Manager position requires experience in sales, and thorough knowledge of the organization's products would be a strong asset.

Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

? Achieve a set Sales Budget.
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The Account Manager position interfaces with multiple departments across the organization to represent customer and sales force interests, including product satisfaction and general requirements.

A sustained record of sales achievement and complete knowledge of the organization?s products and policies characterize the Account Manager position. The Account Manager is responsible for driving the regional sales results and achieving sales objectives and has to report on a monthly basis to headquarters.

Core Competencies

The Account Manager has excellent customer facing skills, combined with a strong technical aptitude and keen interest in learning about the Rittal products. The Account Manager thrives in a high pressure and dynamic environment with an overwhelming drive to succeed.

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? Looking for career advancement opportunities.

Area of responsibility

The Account Manager will cover an area from Quebec City and surrounding area, north to the Saguenay region, south into the Beauce and the entire Gaspesian peninsula. The customer base as well as potential new customers will include OEMs, End Customers as well Integrators. Calling on Consultants will also be part of the responsibilities.

Rittal Systems Ltd provides a highly competitive compensation package including full medical, dental and health/wellness benefits as well as a company matched retirement savings program.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Mass. Senate debate begins with discussion of Warren?s Cherokee heritage

The first official debate between Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown and his Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren began Thursday with a discussion about Warren's Native American heritage.

Brown devoted his opening remarks to accuse Warren, a Harvard Law School professor who says she is part Cherokee Indian, of using her background to give her an advantage when competing for jobs throughout her career.

"The professor said she is a Native American, a person of color, and you can see she's not," Brown said in the first moments of the debate, echoing an attack line that has dogged Warren throughout much of the race this year.

Warren, who appeared to be caught off guard, was forced to use her opening remarks to respond, and she denied that she had taken advantage of affirmative action programs when seeking jobs.

"I never used it," Warren said, adding later: "I didn't get an advantage because of my background."

The debate moderator quickly moved the conversation to other topics. The candidates went on to debate tax rates, abortion (both candidates support protecting access), education and laws that enforce "equal pay for equal work" for men and women in the workplace.

The Massachusetts Senate race is considered one of the highest-profile contests in the country. Brown, a moderate Republican, won the seat two years ago in a special election after Democrat Edward Kennedy, who had held the seat since 1962, died in 2009. Warren, who helped start President Barack Obama's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau before launching her bid for the Senate, has a national following among liberals because of her work on consumer issues.

The candidates will hold three more debates before Election Day.


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'Tis the season for northern lights

Chad Blakley

The aurora season is off to a glorious start, as evidenced by this picture from Sweden's Abisko National Park, taken by photographer/guide Chad Blakley. For more of Blakley's work, check the Lights Over Lapland website and Facebook page.

By Alan Boyle

Summer isn't even over in the Northern Hemisphere, but the season of the northern lights is clearly getting an early start.

Saturday's autumnal equinox marks the traditional start of the aurora season in Arctic regions, and with solar activity building up to the top end of its 11-year cycle, we can expect more than the usual allotment of glow-in-the-dark skies. For some reason, this last week of summer has been particularly active on the sun.

"Another day, another coronal hole high-speed stream," the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center reports today on its Facebook page. That means there's a higher chance of interaction between the electrically charged particles of the solar wind and our planet's magnetic field.'s Tony Phillips quotes NOAA forecasters as saying that there's a 25 to 30 percent chance of strong polar geomagnetic storms over the next three nights.

If the geomagnetic buffeting gets too strong, that's potentially bad news for electric-grid managers and satellite operators. But a mild elevation in solar activity is a boon for aurora-watchers, and it looks as if we're experiencing the bright side of a solar upswing right now.

Chad Blakley, a photographer and tour guide for Lights Over Lapland at Sweden's Abisko National Park, says the sights have been impressive ? and he has the pictures to prove it.?

"Aurora season has been in high gear for nearly a?month?in Abisko, and it looks as though this year could be something very, very special," he told me in an email. "We are entering the peak of the solar maximum, and if history is any indicator we should see a marked increase in aurora activity. As you can imagine, I am one very happy man."

Ed Stockard sent in a similarly glowing report from Summit Station, a research facility that's 10,530 feet above sea level on the Greenland ice sheet. "The auroras came on fast and furious, moving and dancing across the entire sky," he told "Aurora season has definitely begun on top of the ice sheet. Bring on the lights!"

Stockard has already been posting some fantastic pictures to his Flickr gallery. In a follow-up email, Stockard told me more about the Summit Station operation, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation:

"There are five of us here for what we call the first phase of winter. This lasts between mid-August and early November. At that time, another crew of five takes over until sometime in February. A third phase completes our winter phase until mid-April, when an inflated summer crew comes in. The summer season is busy at Summit with researchers mainly from the U.S. but also around the world, doing their NSF-funded research. Most science involves atmospheric research and is tied to the deep ice core drilled here in the 1990s. ..."?

Check out these images from Blakley and Stockard, as well as a time-lapse video captured by Helge Mortensen in Troms?, Norway. You can expect to see a lot more of this in the months to come.

Ed Stockard

The northern lights ripple over Summit Station on the Greenland ice sheet.

Chad Blakley

The auroral display takes on different hues over Sweden's Abisko National Park. The color variations are due to the differences in the composition of the atmosphere at different altitudes. The greenish glow dominates, but the aurora can turn reddish at higher altitudes, as seen here. Check out the Causes of Color website to learn more about auroral colors.

More about the aurora season:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, sent via email every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Video: 14 officials disciplined for ?Fast and Furious?

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OHS Risk Management Systems | Tongshu Articles

OHS Risk Management Systems

Author (BookerBrinley). Submitted on Wed, 19 Sep 2012

An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Risk Management System is a coordinated and systematic approach to managing health and safety risks. OHS Risk Management System helps organizations to continually improve their safety performance and compliance to health and safety legislation and standards. In doing so, they establish safer working environments which protect people at work by eliminating, or better managing, health and safety hazards. An OHS Risk Management System can benefit any organization, no matter how small or large, by:

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???? improving business opportunities - many companies have preferential purchasing policies that favor purchasing products or services from companies with an OHS Risk Management System
???? providing measurable systems that can verify OHS performance
???? demonstrating that the organization is meeting legal requirements, and
???? enhancing the organization?s reputation

Whether your organization is large or small, complex or basic, your OHS Risk Management System?s should:
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???? be supported by the organization?s overall management system ? the organization must provide corporate commitment and sufficient resources
???? make the OHS Risk Management System?s structures and processes visible to employees and relevant to all business activities all the time

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Small Business Software


About the Author

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